Every time this year our lives get ten bazillion times more busy. And, yes, I say "ours" because when Markham is gone, I have to do twice the work around the house and Lynlee gets more grumpy because she misses her dad and I get frustrated twice as fast because I don't have someone to hand her off to. (That last one sounded bad, but if you're a mom - you know exactly what I'm talking about. Even if you're not a mom - don't judge :] ). For some reason track season seems to get its very busiest the very last month of school. There's a meet every single weekend, which, there usually is anyway, but they're bigger meets so he's gone for longer periods of time, and this week they hosted the meet here so you would think I'd see him more but no. Hosting the meet means three times as much work for everyone so he would work 10-12 hour days trying to get everything ready. Not to mention the kids have finals this week. I say 'kids' in reference to the college students he coaches, that are all actually my own age. I just feel old, haha. On top of all of that, I have been completing my crafts and doing Markham's share of the housework. (I'm not complaining, I'm just stating the fact that I'm busier because he's busier. We've been busy. Jeez.) Also this week (last night) we hosted a dinner for the throwers (Markham is the Throws coach which includes javelin, discus, shot, and hammer). It was a TOTAL blasty blast - I LOVE the throwers :] but it was a crap ton of work. We made three different kinds of pasta dishes and chicken parm. Holy crap. And we don't have a super awesome gourmet kitchen so this entailed making our pasta bake at 2:30 in the afternoon and refrigerating it so that we would have the over for the chicken parm later. Then reheating the pasta bake right after the chicken came out of the oven. We also had to cook the Alfredo first and then wash and reuse those two pots for the Campanelle. It was QUITE a process. But totally worth it cuz they're awesome. There's ten throwers, six girls and four guys and they're pretty much hilarious and super fun. Anyway, that took up my entire thursday. Then today I was at the meet helping out from 9:30 until 11 when I took Lynlee home for a nap and then we came back to the meet after her nap from 1:30 until 5 when I took Lynlee home for her second nap and then stayed home because the throws were over. But Markham actually JUST walked in the door and it's 10:45. Which means he was there for 14-ish hours. Track meets are seriously exhausting and last for freaking ever. It's fun to see our kids throw, but it takes for freaking ever. We also had two huge thunderstorms blow through and delay the meet for at least an hour each time. They were pretty sweet storms though and we (Me, Markham, and Lynlee - not everyone) took shelter in the trunk of my suv and we watched the storm with the trunk door open. It was pretty cool. But the entire point to all of this was to say that I got my end table finished! Took me almost four days but I got it done and now my living room matches! All we need is our flatscreen (hopefully in the next couple weeks) and our new DVD cabinet (because Lynlee makes me crazy with how many times she pulls the DVDs off the shelves in one day) and it will be complete! I've been doing a lot of searching for a DVD cabinet and they're either really expensive or really cheap looking or really ugly or have glass window panes and look stupid, or whatever. So what I'm actually hoping to do is to get one of those book shelves that's like a whole bunch of squares put together that don't have a back (I hope you can picture what I'm talking about - very Ikea-esque) and then use a combination of baskets and/or other cute things to put all of our DVD's in and keep out of reach of two-foot-tall terrors (she's not really a terror, she just likes to pull a hundred DVDs off and make me pick them up five times a day). Okay one last thing and then I'm done ranting. Lynlee has been starting to drink out of a sippy over the last couple months, which has been great, but this past week, at only 9 months old, my amazing little daughter drank out of a sippy with a STRAW!!! I don't actually know how amazing that is because I have no idea when kids start drinking with straws but it seemed a little early to me. Anyway, now all she wants is her sippy with a straw and she drinks out of it all the time! Like a big kid! I love that girl :]

Went to Babies R Us for a new gate and found these. I could tell as soon as I put these on her she felt like a rock star. She instantly lit up and started smiling. What a goof! Of COURSE I bought them :]
Proud Mommy Moment
New end table! Okay so I completely dropped the ball and forgot to take a "before" picture but imagine this table being a really ugly light brown/gold-ish color with lots of dents and scratches in the top that I had to work so freaking hard at getting out..
These are the ridiculously difficult legs that I had to sand BY HAND and then paint and oh man it was a process
The finished living room!
As Nate Berkus (and Kristin) would say, "I'm house proud!"
Very nice! I remember cheering on a baby or two when they were first trying to suck out of a straw. That is a big deal. What a cutie! I did read your whole post too, you could at least have paragraphs or something, I kept getting lost ;)