This has been one of many super fun weekends we've already had this summer. Markham gets to borrow canoes from the athletic department at the college any time they are available. This past Friday they were available. We took Heidi, Deric, and their son Bladen, our little family, and our friend Lauren. It was so much fun! It was a little scary with the little ones because canoes are really wobbly and if Lynlee or Bladen leaned too far to one side, we'd go in. Not to mention the fact that they could just fall in. They both had life jackets, but it's still made me a little nervous. Everything turned out fine though and we had a lot of fun! We went up to Woodcock Creek Lake and Canoed from the boat launch to the swimming area and swam for a bit. Then canoed back and had a picnic dinner. After that we all went out to Hank's for frozen custard and then played games. It was a really great day. Then today, of course, was Father's Day. Which actually started last night at midnight with Markham opening his presents. I made him a really cute scrapbook page with a picture of him and Lynlee on it and the quote "a daddy is a daughter's first love", which apparently that was "all over facebook" today according to my husband and I was a little bummed because I thought it wasn't a very well known quote. Oh well. Then this morning I got up with Lynlee and made a breakfast casserole. Then I started the BBQ brisket in the crock pot. Then started making the rolls. Then while the rolls were rising I started making his cake. Unfortunately Markham is working at this camp thing on campus that he describes as an EFY for Muslims and it's 7 days a week so he had to work this morning. Luckily it was only for one hour. So he got up and ate his breakfast casserole and then headed to work. Then he came home and we ate dinner around one. I don't know if you can really call it dinner if it's at one, but we had cake at like 5 and I don't want to say we had cake for dinner so whatever. But dinner was amazing! We got the brisket from a local butcher shop and I called my grandma Mimi yesterday to get her rolls recipe, which is the best on the planet, and made those. It was so dang good. Then the cake I made was a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cake. It was a round cake chocolate cake with a layer of fudge in the middle and peanut butter frosting and decorated with peanut butter cups. I could barely eat half a piece because it was so rich but it was so dang good. Mostly Markham has just relaxed and played with Lynlee, which I know made him happy. And when she napped we played our favorite nerd game, Carcassone. Now he's napping on the couch. It's been a good day for him :] Alright I have about a million pictures so I better get to posting.

This is the onesie that my mom got for Lynlee when we went to the Erie Zoo last September. The smallest size they had was 12 months so she's just now fitting in it
This is the back. That's her giraffe tail haha cutest thing ever.
Bladen had to borrow Lynlee's jacket. Doesn't he look fabulous? Haha
Heidi with Bladen and Lauren holding Lynlee
Lynlee playing with the water on the boat ramp
such a big kid!
woodcock creek lake
Lynlee and I in the front of the canoe
I don't really think she understood that she was in a boat
that teeny tiny canoe back in the distance is heidi and deric haha
Markham and Lauren behind me
Heidi and Deric
Can you see Bladen right in front of Deric? He was so dang cute sitting there with his hands up on the bar. It was cracking me up
at the swim area
Lynlee was so fascinated by the sand
the water was freezing but Lynlee loved it. She kept wanting to go deeper
The Ence Family!
Lynlee was so happy and kicking so much
Getting ready to canoe back to the boat launch
the Ence's canoe
Lynlee stealing my water
She just started doing this one day and now she does it all the time. What a little goober
Alright, I know I said I wasn't going to do another quiet book. But I am. This one is going to be all fabric, whereas the last one was all felt. And instead of having activities like buttons and zippers, this one will just have touch and feely kind of stuff, like a lion with a ribbon mane. And a zebra with ribbon stripes. It will be geared more toward Lynlee's age. I think the first one's too old for her yet. Seriously, though, isn't this so cute?!
This is the cake I made Markham. SO good
Cuddles with daddy!
For whatever reason, we have never tickled Lynlee directly in her armpits. And she is SO ticklish in her armpits. It's dang hilarious.
The only way I could get her to sit still long enough to take a picture of her cute dress was to put her in front of the tv. The front of the dress can be seen on the video above.
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