Today was the first time ever that Lynlee has gone swimming. I was a little nervous, but she loves the bath so I just assumed she would do okay. And, she LOVED it! We had so much fun. Markham's mom has a pass to the South Davis Rec Center and they have an indoor aquatic center so we took here there. It was pretty crowded, but we still had a good time.
Lynlee loved it! |
She liked to lick the water off her face |
Happy girl with grammy and daddy! |
Eating her pool-water toes |
Floating with daddy! |
Cold little baby and little toesies |
this is her swimming. she was so good at kicking her little frog legs! and then she dipped her face in the water and didnt like that haha
Haha, swimming with them is the best! We will have to go to the Meadville pool sometime together! How did you take a video under the water? What device did you use? COOL!