Last post? Jan. 22nd. Today? Mar. 8th. Some might say it's been a while. I would say, I'm a Mom. I've been a little preoccupied. However, I have finally gotten Lynlee on somewhat of a sleeping schedule and her 9 o'clock bedtime frees up a little extra time for me. Since my last post, the Giants won the SuperBowl (which is a BIG FRIGGIN DEAL in the Hyde household.. so, yay!), Valentines Day happened, Markham and I shared our 2 1/2 year anniversary, Lynlee grew about another inch, is SO on the verge of crawling, and jabbers all day long. Her only word... "da da". Of course. Today is her 8 month birthday; I can't believe how old she is getting. And here are pictures to prove it. Since it has been so long since I've posted, I have a lot to update, so put on your sweatpants and snuggie, grab some hot chocolate, and get comfy, Folks. This is a Long list of pictures . . .

During one of our many visits back to Ohio, Lynlee got her first kiss!! I went to my friend Ashleigh's to stay the night and her son Johnny is two months older than Lynlee. While laying on a blanket together Johnny rolled over on top of her and open mouth kissed her on the lips! We CRACKED up and tried to recreate it for this picture but it didn't work that well.
Gangsta Baby!
Lynlee and Bladen playing together
I LOVE this cooky face!
I caught Lynlee chewing on the Unicorn's horn. Silly baby!
This video is of the first time Lynlee rolled over
This was her reaching for her toy flower. The way she was putting one arm and one leg up was cracking me up. She looks like super man.
Trying to escape from the tub!
She is definitely a morning person - opposite of me!
This is Lynlee dancing to "Patty Cake" that her little puppy sings
Jess feeding Lynlee Olive Garden on one of our Ohio trips
Jumping time
These are from our Valentine's Day photo shoot. I LOVE them!
I swear she looks just like little Hailey in the picture. I do her hair like that all the time now. It's my favorite
At her first Allegheny Track Meet! Go Team!
This is the first time she clapped!
mommy-daughter time
Face of an angel
Allegheny College has an annual Talent Show for the Athletic Department where each of the different athletic teams comes up with some sort of a skit to perform for a trophy. If you include a coach and/or child/baby in your skit, you get extra points. Well, we had both. This first video is of Lynlee dancing to the other skits. the music was loud and it was kind of dark, but she loved it. This is one hundred percent just Lynlee dancing. Markham is only holding her. It's hilarious.
this second video is of the actual skit. First the girls track team came out and did a dance, then the mens track team came out and did a shirtless dance (which was pretty comical considering the fact that they're all really skinny, lanky, dorky runners) then the women came back out to join them on stage and that's when Markham brought Lynlee out. He raised her up like Simba from the Lion King and the crowd went WILD. it was really fun to see, and because they loved her so much (of course they did, who wouldn't?), the track team won the talent show!!
This is when they found out they won!
My dad called me on the phone and when I answered I put him on speaker. this is Lynlee reacting to hearing his voice. (no, your volume isn't muted, she's actually not making any noise)
Markham using Lynlee as a weight and her loving it
This is the face Lynlee makes when she's clearly done eating.
I LOVE this face!!
bath time
standing in her crib
cuddling with mommy. my absolute favorite time of day
nakey baby!
happy baby
This is Lynlee attempting to crawl to Simon. I really think he will be the reason she starts crawling. She wants him so bad!
Eva came over for a playdate and Lynlee and Jackson had so much fun together! He's a couple months younger than her and this is their first interaction together. SO cute. she LOVES him
Lynlee and Jackson! They talk back and forth to each other. It's awesome
Akron Civic Theater - where we went to see Brian Regan!! Such an amazing show. I cried FOUR times! haha
This is the reason we are getting a DVD cabinet with doors on it.
Playing on the rocking horse at the Amish furniture store. I totally wanted it but it was $200. Totally unreasonably overpriced, as most Amish furniture is.
The blocks I made. The side of them has our wedding pictures on them. The back side has H Y D E down it and the other side you can't see has 2 0 0 9, the year we were married.
Family nap!! This is one of my absolute favorite pictures.
I totally don't blame you if you decide to skip some of the videos. I realize it's a lot. Hopefully I can keep up on my blogging more often so the posts won't be a mile long.