This past week has been somewhat uneventful (at least for me). Monday was pretty great. We started Lynlee on Oatmeal for the first time! The pediatrician now recommends waiting until six months to start babies on cereal so that they can better digest it and have a smaller chance of becoming allergic to it. At first she didn't take to it too much. The second day I was feeding her (before my dr's appt) and halfway through eating she got this big grin on her face and started kicking her legs all excited and then swallowed really well. It's like all of a sudden it clicked and she knew how to eat. It was so cute!
First bite! And not really liking it...
Later that same Monday, Markham and I went to lunch at Sonic, then went the Leonardo science museum, which was actually kind of lame, and then went on a real date by ourselves to Joe's Crab Shack in Sandy.
Markham and I at Joe's! Mmm.
This was our dessert. Smores on top of Chocolate Cake. Freakin Yum!!
It was pretty much an amazing "last solid foods meal" before getting my teeth out.
The next morning I went to Dr. Chandler in Layton and got my wisdom teeth out. I was a dental assistant for two years and I have assisted on wisdom tooth extractions. I know the exact procedure they were doing on me. Needless to say, I had them knock me out. haha. I did NOT want to be awake for that. But he was a really good Dr. and it took only twenty minutes. I only had three teeth to take out because only three ever developed. Tuesday was a pretty rough day for me. I didn't swell much, but my pain meds made me sick. I don't know if you've ever experienced or can imagine being sick when you have three incisions in your mouth, but it's pretty much the most miserable/painful thing ever. But I continued my meds because I was afraid to go off them.
Wednesday I swelled. It was a pretty rough day, but I didn't get sick.
Thursday morning I woke up super nauseated and ended up getting sick. So I finally went off the percocet but stayed on the ibuprophen. Which, you know, is like nothing compared to percocet. So while my pain is still only at like 30%, it's not a 0. Like it was with the percocet. Thursday afternoon Julie's girls Hailey and Addyson came over for my mom to babysit them while Julie went to work and Hailey (5 yrs old) made me a get well card.
Isn't it cute?! I'm not sure if those are mice, or kittens, or something..? but It's adorable.
My days pretty much all blended together this week so I'm not sure which day some of these pictures were taken but they were all this week. So here's LYnlee :] Markham and I won her that bowling pin at Boondock's Fun Center. It's like a stress ball, where it's made out of squishy foam. It's fine for now with her two teeth on the bottom but as soon as she gets a tooth on the top and can bite chunks out of it we'll have to take it away. But she loves the thing! She drums with it, and the top fits perfectly in her hand. In the picture on the right she looks like she's singing into it.
On friday I had to put a hat on and go with Markham to take Lynlee to the doctors. She's had a pretty bad cough the past week or so and we wanted to get it checked out. Luckily he says it's nothing to worry about so now we just have to wait it out. When we got home I put my hat on her. And then layed down and took a nap because I was pretty exhausted.
Friday night Kristin and Jaron and their boys and Nikki and her kids came over to visit me. I was feeling much better and could sit up and talk (sort of. I have a lisp). But as soon as Andrew came in the door the first thing he wanted to do was hold Lynlee!
That same night Aspen ended up getting into some medicine in Nikki's purse that stained her hands a neon orangey-yellowy color. It's also on the side of her face and chest but you can't see that very well in this picutre.
Saturday morning we woke up to snow!!!! For the first time since we got here three weeks ago, it finally snowed. So I gathered up enough to strength to get Lynlee dressed and take her out. Here she is with Grandpa.
This is Lynlee on a sled!
I think she liked it.
Lynlee standing in the snow! I don't think she liked that very much because she started crying right after we put her down.
A little while after taking her our in the snow I showered and got ready and waited for my sister Julie to come over so we could go shopping. When Julie got here I was working on my blog and I had put Lynlee in the exersaucer. Julie walked over by Lynlee to plug her phone in and said "I think she's poopy" and I said "no! I just changed her" and Julie said "no, she really is." So I walked over and picked her up and set her down to change her and when I pulled off her jeans there was poo everywhere! She had her very first blowout diaper (and Markham wasn't even there to see it hahah)! We took off her clothes and threw her in the tub in my little brother's bathroom. It smelled AWFUL and I was using so many wipes so Julie lifted up the toilet seat for me to throw them in there and there was more big ole nasty poo in there!! Someone forgot to flush! (again, we were in my brother's bathroom. typical.) We both almost threw up and then almost died from laughing and I almost split my stitches from laughing so hard. It hurt really bad after but it was the hardest I'd laughed all week so I felt ok about it. Overall it was a pretty ridiculous afternoon.
Later that day I took Lynlee over to Markham's moms house and went shopping with Julie. We went on quite the little spree. It was pretty fun. But most of the stuff I bought actually wasn't for myself. I bought a lot for Lynlee, and a present for my mom and for Kristin because both of their birthdays are this week. Saturday night we went on a double date with Julie and Ryan to the Olive Garden while mom and dad watched our kids. I got Chicken and Gnocchi soup, which is my favorite anyway. But it was SO good and the gnocchi was extra soft so it was really easy to eat. Then we came back to mom's and watched I Don't Know How She Does It. Which I didn't really like.
And now today is Sunday. And we're not going to church today because Lynlee was up all night with a fever. She seems to be doing much better today though. Hope it stays that way.
Today we're celebrating my mom's birthday (which is actually tomorrow).
And today is Lynlee's six month birthday!! Woo hoo :] Such a big girl!
Six Months Old! Isn't she beautiful?! |
That's her new thing now. Instead of smiling she sticks out her tongue.